F1 – (BT) – MCQ’s Quiz – #1 | ACCA

This is Quiz #1 for ACCA F1 (BT/FBT) Business and Technology Students.

These Quizzes are designed in a way that students could better understand the exam format and get used to practice online. This approach will reduce the exam stress and students will able to prepare better.

We request the students, do not take the quiz until they have finished the syllabus.

All the questions are compulsory, so do not skip any.

Number of the Questions

This Quiz consists of 20 Questions which covers the entire F1 (BT/FBT) syllabus.


The Quiz have a timer. Students have to finish the quiz within the given time period.
As in ACCA Exam, there are 1.8 minutes per mark. So each 2 marks question have 3.6 minutes to complete. The Quiz have 20 questions, so Students have total 72 minutes to complete the quiz.


Students can see your result at the end of the quiz further the correct and wrong questions. Moreover, the explanation of wrong questions.

Types of Questions

MCQs: Choose one from the given options.
Multiple choice: Choose all those which seems to you correct/ or incorrect, as per the requirement of the question. Keep your eye on the wording “(select all those which are correct)“.
Drop down: Select from the list provided.
Type: Type your answer in numbers as per the requirement of the question.

8 votes, 3.9 avg

F1 - BT - Quiz #1

You have 20 Questions to complete within 72 minutes (1 hour and 12 minutes).
You will see the Result at the end of the quiz.

Types of Questions

MCQs: Choose one from the given options.
Multiple choice: Choose all those which seems to you correct/ or incorrect, as per the requirement of the question. (Wording: select all those which are correct)
Dropdown: Select from the list provided.
Type: Type your answer in numbers as per the requirement of the question.

Please Write Your Name!

1 / 20

1. Which of the following statements correctly describes the principal purpose of the external audit of a company within the UK?

2 / 20

2. A record showing who has accessed a computer system is called:

3 / 20

3. How might the purchasing manager work closely with the accounting function?

4 / 20

4. What is the main focus and role of the accounting function?

5 / 20

5. When analysing the current situation in a business, a consultant will review the general environment surrounding it.

Which of the following would not be included in this analysis?

6 / 20

6. External auditors may place reliance on internal auditors' work.

Is this statement correct?

7 / 20

7. There are three broad pre-requisites or 'pre-conditions' that must exist in order to make fraud a possibility.

What are they?

8 / 20

8. In the short run, firms will continue to supply customers provided that they cover ____

9 / 20

9. Which of the following parties has the main responsibility for good corporate governance?

10 / 20

10. Many organisations are described as bureaucratic. When the team, was first coined, bureaucracy was regarded as being highly efficient and there are still cases where a bureaucratic approach is appropriate. However, bureaucracy has some undesirable features.

Which of the following are undesirable features of bureaucracy? (select those which are correct)

11 / 20

11. Mr. Warner, your department manager, is weighing up the benefits and disadvantages of off-the-shelf packages that have been customised so that they fit the organisation's specific requirements.

Which of the following options are disadvantages of customisation? (select those which are correct)

12 / 20

12. Who appoints external auditors?

13 / 20

13. A narrow span of control would be suitable where

14 / 20

14. Which of the following statements is NOT true in respect of the relationships between directors, shareholders and auditors?

15 / 20

15. Systems are sometimes described as either open or closed.

When a system is closed it is:

16 / 20

16. Which of the following is a benefit of decentralisation?

17 / 20

17. Which of the following costs, in regards to an information system, are capital costs?

  1. Hardware purchase costs
  2. Routine system maintenance costs
  3. Software purchase costs
  4. Installation costs

18 / 20

18. Which of the following is NOT an advantage of a matrix structure?

19 / 20

19. A company has placed a job advertisement for a full time employee and a part time employee. The part time employee's terms are less favourable than the full-time employee's terms. What type of discrimination is this?

20 / 20

20. Alf Sparks is a manager of a small team designing and building a new management information system.
The various levels of management that will be using the system will all have different information requirements but the qualities of good information are the same at each level. He is describing these qualities to his team.

Which of the following would be included in his explanation? (select those which are correct)

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